Agile World ® Consultancy
Agile World ® Consultancy Agile World is now in a position to offer world wide Agile Organisational Design, Transformation Audit and Transformation Optimization Services. We are focusing on; New Organisational Agility – to facilitate the capacity for and organisation to rapidly respond to external and internal changes. To rapidly meet customer demands and expectations as […]
Read MoreAgile World Inc. acquired by Agile World Incorporated
Agile World Incorporated is excited to announce that it is acquiring the management consulting and niche consultancy corporation Agile World Inc. Agile World ® is focused on Venture Capital and Private Equity strategy consulting. We are a niche consultancy involved in creating future proofed companies, businesses and organisations who are fully aligned and therefore engaged […]
Read MoreAgile World Community Hub
Agile World is excited to announce the commencement of its Community Hub. The Community Hub has been created by Carla Krieger in her role as Director of Communities to establish a place for communities involved in using agile to create a better world to become connected and support each other. If you are involved in […]
Read MoreAgile World Appoints Director of Communities
Agile World tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeação de Carla Krieger como nossa Diretora de Comunidades e um portfólio de atividades onde a Agile World continuará sua missão de facilitar e apoiar diversas comunidades focadas na descoberta e educação para todos os seres humanos. Agile World Vision é fornecer materiais Agile gratuitos para todos […]
Read MoreAgile World Appoints Editor in Chief of Agile World Publishing
Agile World is excited to announce the appointment of Philip Rogers as the Editor in Chief of Agile World Publishing as it expands into new and more ambitious publishing activities supporting diverse communities focused on discovery and education for all humans. Agile World Vision is to provide free Agile materials for everyone and reduce the […]
Read MoreJulia Shipitsina-Buchholz Co-host
Julia Shipitsina-Buchholz is a Co-host of the Agile World English show and volunteer. She is marketing strategist, consumption anthropologist, neuroscience phd researcher, Certified Executive Business Agility Strategist with in-house experience working with such global brands as SAMSUNG, L’OREAL, MARS & WRIGLEY, as well as other international brands in the role of strategic director within advertising […]
Read MoreAgile World Annual Activity Report 2021
Agile World Annual Activity Report 2021 It’s now been one full year since Agile World started on the 31st of January 2021. In that time Agile World has become a philanthropic 501(c)(3) Public Charity and Incorporated as a nonprofit in California focused on multilingual free agile entertainment and education resources. The charity is run by […]
Read MoreAgile World 呼吁讲中文的敏捷者为全球观众举办敏捷脱口秀
Agile World 已经成为一种现象,我们自由分享知识的愿望已经引起了社会的共鸣。 敏捷世界第二大全球受众是讲中文的人,我们希望让他们更容易获得知识和见解。 联系我们成为主持人 尽管我们的东道主都是志愿者,并从他们的内心丰富中抽出时间,但他们确实从恶名中受益。 我们很高兴通过向我们所有的观众宣传他们的个人资料来尊重我们主人的时间礼物。 所有志愿者都在主要的公共慈善网站 上列出,脱口秀主持人在 上列出。 诚邀普通话、干、柯家、闽、吴、湘、悦等讲者加入团队。如果你有一些英语、法语或德语来沟通交流会很有帮助。 联系我们成为主持人 Agile World 是一家位于加利福尼亚州好莱坞的慈善 501(c)(3) 公共慈善机构,旨在支持创建和分发免费的敏捷媒体、娱乐和教育材料,由 Sabrina CE Bruce 和 Karl AL Smith 共同创立2021 年。 作为一个公共慈善机构,我们的使命是支持为所有人提供免费敏捷培训资源的娱乐、教育和培训计划。敏捷世界致力于实践敏捷,知道它可以通过在日常生活中帮助个人、社区和企业对他们产生根本性和积极的影响。 Agile World 已經成為一種現象,我們自由分享知識的願望已經引起了社會的共鳴。 敏捷世界第二大全球受眾是講中文的人,我們希望讓他們更容易獲得知識和見解。 聯繫我們成為主持人 儘管我們的東道主都是志願者,並從他們的內心豐富中抽出時間,但他們確實從惡名中受益。 我們很高興通過向我們所有的觀眾宣傳他們的個人資料來尊重我們主人的時間禮物。 所有志願者都在主要的公共慈善網站 上列出,脫口秀主持人在 上列出。 誠邀普通話、幹、柯家、閩、吳、湘、悅等講者加入團隊。如果你有一些英語、法語或德語來溝通交流會很有幫助。 聯繫我們成為主持人 Agile World 是一家位於加利福尼亞州好萊塢的慈善 501(c)(3) 公共慈善機構,旨在支持創建和分發免費的敏捷媒體、娛樂和教育材料,由 Sabrina CE Noto […]
Read MoreAgile World joins PayPal Giving Fund
Agile World is happy to announce that the PayPal Giving Fund has accepted our application to join the fund PayPal Giving Fund helps people support their favorite charities online. We receive donations through PayPal, eBay, and other technology platforms and make grants to our donors’ recommended charities. PayPal Giving Fund is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) […]
Read MoreAgile World Announces 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Status as Philanthropic Public Charity
Agile World, is proud to announce it is now officially a nonprofit with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Agile World is also now eligible to apply for government and foundation grants, which will further broaden its access to resources and strengthen its ability to support initiatives that create […]
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