Agile World

Education is hope, dreams, prosperity, love, it's LIFE

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Agile World ConsultingAgile World Consulting

Agile World ® is now in a position to offer world wide Agile Organisational Design, Transformation Audit and Transformation Optimization Services.

We are focusing on;

  • New Organisational Agility – to facilitate the capacity for and organisation to rapidly respond to external and internal changes. To rapidly meet customer demands and expectations as their markets and constraints evolve. Support the establishment of a change led improving culture, with supporting practices, and governance.
  • Operational Agility – to facilitate the operationalisation of agile, post prior reorganisation across organisations so that they are able to respond quickly and decisively to any new opportunities and threats that emerge.
  • Agile World ® Consulting Website


Agile Transformation

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Operational Agile ™

Operational Agile is about the transition from Transformation to Operations of the new partial or global Target Operating Model that Agile is intended to deliver.

Operational Agile Benefits

  • Work is Faster but workers are not
  • Work is Cheaper but quality is higher
  • Work is less Complex and complexity is continuously simplified

First meet the Business as Usual Conditions to pass Agile Transformations to Operations

  • Work is in a Continuous Flow (not Projects or Programs)
  • Work is Structured for Agile Value Realization
  • Long lived Adaptable Teams are Active
  • Work Orchestration is Active

Second meet the Operational Conditions for Adoption of Agile

  • All work is Observable by Orchestration
  • Work is Focused by Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
  • Work is Funded by Product, Service or Customer Journey at the Macro level

Metrics should be Strategic Business ones to avoid wasting finances on Micro level observance of a the Macro level system that Agile represents

Effectual Agile will remain difficult to be seen to be delivered, while companies maintain duality of Governance, Finance and Reporting, the ones that mesh non-agile and agile together can expect their competitors to pass them by at speed.

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Agile FinOps

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