Agile World

Education is hope, dreams, prosperity, love, it's LIFE

Initiatives Volunteer

Jatin Sanghavi Co-host

Jatin Sanghavi Co-hostJatin Sanghavi is the co-host and coordinator of the Agile World Indie show and volunteer. Jatin is a dynamic, energetic, results-oriented IT Leader with 25+ years of expertise in Business and Technology, including extensive experience in hands-on enterprise coaching, direction, portfolio management, application design, development, and deployment, infrastructure, change management, and IT/Enterprise Agile transformation.

He is a successful Enterprise Agile Coach/Facilitator/ICP Accredited and Authorized Trainer for Agile Coaching Track, a strategic partner, thought leader for an organization transitioning to Agile mindset/Agile Delivery methodologies by enterprise coaching and enabling the development teams, management, and executives.

He started his Agile journey with Xtreme Programming(XP) and Rational Unified Process(RUP) in 2002 and has been passionate through its various agile phases and evolution to date. He has written Agile-related white papers and articles while working with various organizations and clients.

As an Enterprise Agile Coach, He is a passionate Agilist who loves to share his knowledge to help grow the Agile Global Community. He has been an International speaker and part of panel at various Global Agile related events. Jatin has various certifications and continues on his knowledge learning path – a Life Long Learner – Agilist

“Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Gained”
