Agile World Consulting
Agile World is now in a position to offer world wide Agile Organisational Design, Transformation Audit and Transformation Optimization Services.
We are focusing on;
- New Organisational Agility – to facilitate the capacity for and organisation to rapidly respond to external and internal changes. To rapidly meet customer demands and expectations as their markets and constraints evolve. Support the establishment of a change led improving culture, with supporting practices, and governance.
- Operational Agility – to facilitate the operationalisation of agile, post prior reorganisation across organisations so that they are able to respond quickly and decisively to any new opportunities and threats that emerge.
- Customer Agility Framework ™ and Agile World ® Framework Consulting for Enterprise Agility, Business Agility, Technology Agility, Solutions Agility, Delivery Agility, Customer Agility, Work Agility, Financial Agility and Organisational Agility
Agile World Operations
As a charity our focus is not on paying out to shareholders and high executive salaries, as such we are able to provide consultancy services at fair rates, globally. Agile World is run by volunteers many of whom also provide consultancy services, we do not employ anyone.
Agile World is a remote organisation focused on communication and can provide consultancy services in ten languages.
Consultancy services will be provided remotely to all clients.
Please contact us for more information.