Alexandra Oporto Co-host
Alexandra Oporto is the co-host of the Agile World Spanish Language show and volunteer. Alexandra is a Psychologist, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and Scrum Master, which puts at the service of the organizations she provides support in cultural transformation processes through the use of Agile Work Frameworks and Mindset. In addition, it is a Global Bikablo® Trainer with which it helps people and organizations to visually capture their ideas through the use of Visual Thinking.
Alexandra has experience in Human Management having worked for various
industrial companies (energy, mining, engineering, hydrocarbons) since 2006.
Currently, she is CEO, Co-Founder & amp; NaveLAB Visual Facilitator.
She loves to use art, design and technology at the service of generating innovative processes that generate changes and positive impacts on work teams. And she is fascinated by working with social organizations, because he firmly believes that we can all help to have a better world in which to live if we shake hands and help each other.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceciliaalexandraoportodugard/